Total Supply



3 14 2023

Wolf Capital brings unique elements of gamified lending for sustainable revenue, lending aggregation and pixel art appreciation into one community. We aim to shift paradigms within our ecosystem and set a new standard with how projects collab with artist in the future.


Wolf Capital Founder


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What are Trait Packs?

  • Trait Packs are an NFT, similar to IRL booster packs of trading cards

  • Traits NFTs were created by artists to customize existing Wolf Capital NFTs

  • There is always a limited supply of each trait pack from an artist or an event

  • Trait packs can be kept unopened, or opened to unwrap the traits inside

  • Packs and Traits can be sold on secondary markets or traded

How exactly do traits work?

  • Traits and Trait Packs are NFTs and can be traded separate from the Wolf Capital NFTs

  • There will be a deflationary component to some traits

  • You may be able to unequip some or all traits, at a cost

How do raffles work?

  • When an artist creates a new trait pack, some are airdropped and the remainder are usually available in holder-only raffles

  • 60% of all trait and trait pack revenue/fees go directly to the artist

  • Raffles help reward artists for creating new and unique traits that allow you to create new combinations and customize your wolves the way you want

  • New artists have created trait packs that did not have art in the original collection. Trait Packs are the only way to get traits from these artists

Do Wolf Capital NFT holders get airdropped trait packs?

  • When new trait packs are added, part of the supply will be airdropped to holders

  • Trait packs and unequipped traits often have exclusive chances for these artist pack airdrops

Wolf Artists

Head Artist

"I have been doing pixel art ever since I was a kid, more than 13 years already but more or less as a hobby. Around 4 years ago I decided to take it seriously and began studying colour theory, pixel art theory and practicing with more intent. I believe that my experience's over the years have brought my art that was "ok" to a "good" level!

Around 2 years ago, I discovered web3 and NFTs. I dipped my toes in for a couple of months as an investor and speculator. Later I decided that I could mix my Pixel Artist persona with my web3 one! At that time I started creating PFP generative collection's for third parties as a freelancer. I have been doing free lance work ever since and recently decided to hop on the 1:1 wagon."

WOLF Artist

Having an extensive background in Pixel art and animation with 12 years of experience, Rafa brings a mix of expertise to the table from in depth pixelated illustrations all the way to high quality animations.Rafa believes the work he creates has the ability to tell stories while capturing the eyes of his audience. From his Pixels telling series to The Gumbaz, he has been able to gain attention through the unique animations he does.Rafa has recently been Featured at @SayDialect. If you are interested in his work head over to his Form Function for more

WOLF Artist

@SCUMSOL has been creating art his whole life. As a kid, he began his art journey creating stencils and stickers.

Extending his interest in art during his youth, Scum began doing Graffiti where he found his artist identity.

Being heavily influenced by movies and music, he found inspiration from individuals like Alejandro jordorowskjy, A Chilean-French avant-garde filmmaker who was best known for his 1970s films and Stanley Kubrick, Arguably one of the most influential filmmakers of the 20th Century.

He has also found inspiration through Classic hip hop and has a respect for anyone who can make a body of work feel unified and aesthitic no matter how many ideas are mashed together. In other words, Scum loves beautiful chaos.

Recently Scum has began exploring mexican indigenous history as well as mythology. His goal with this new exploration is to better understand his own culture and be able to share his new findings through his creative expression.

Scum Has arguably one of the best track records as an artist on solana. Working with brands such as Degods, DAA, FFF and has worked hand in hand with solanas best artist to date. He has spoken on panels most recently at breakpoint and traveled to Greenland with solana labs!

WOLF Artist

@bangkitha has been attracted to the world of art since he was 7 years old. Beginning from his addiction to his video games, which at the time were pixelated.

He began drawing in junior high where he would create many types of cartoons and game characters. As time passed his father noticed his passion for art and bought Bangkitha a pc for him to learn vector.

Over the years of developing his skills he began making avatars and gifs for a local forum in his country. This forum allowed him to develop a great reputation in the real world before going to college.

After college, Bangkitha began working at a hospital where he quickly realized the salary was not worth the effort spent. One morning a good friend of his reached out to him to share information about a growing world of digital art, Web 3.

He began to realize that he could monetize something he was truly passionate about without having to work for a business he didn't see a future in. Bangkitha has slowly became one of the most respected pixel artists in our ecosystem. We are priveledged to have you join our project along the way.

If you have interest in Bangkitha's work, head over to his series on exchange art called The Ember

WOLF Artist

@zen0m Zen0 is an artist who creates lo-rez pixel art that tells stories in as few pixels as possible.

With a background in Art Direction for the Video Game industry, he blends a love for art & design with a technical mindset to create iconic pieces reminiscent of classic games.

In October 2021 he released his first artwork on Solana, before launching Zen0verse shortly after - a generative collection of 777 pixel environments that blend procedural level design techniques with collectible art.

Zen0m in fact was the first individual we approached to create our collection and helped us connect with who is now our head artist @Cmak0ta .We are forever grateful.

With zen0ms creative touch with lo-rez pixels, We know our community will appreciate the traits he has created.

WOLF Artist
Laurence Antony

@laurence_antony - Laurence Antony is a multi-disciplinary artist from Montreal, Canada. Laurence is dealing mainly in animation, painting, and pixel art. His work taps into common human experiences to build surreal narrative scenes.

Laurence Antony is the creator of the masked warriors and with his incredible pixel art skills we are thrilled to work with him. Laurence Antony will be known throughout the Solana ecosystem for years to come.

If you have interest in collecting any of the art he has created, head over to his exchange art profile below

WOLF Artist

Marculino had his first introduction into the world of web 3 at the beginning of 2022. He was approached by a close friend who shared the opportunity with him. Because of this friend, he had his first opportunity to design a small collection that unfortunately never released.

After the disappointment from the collection not releasing, Marculino began to brainstorm on how he could bring his art to life in this ecosystem. Marculino decided to begin creating 1/1 art on Solana over 8 months ago.

Today, Marculino is one of the most prestigious pixel artists our ecosystem has ever seen. From outstanding creativity, to an incredibly hard working artist, Marculino brings much more to the table than what people could imagine.

We are beyond thrilled to work side by side with Marculino on this incredible collection and we could not be happier with the traits he has delivered as an artist.

If you are interested in Marculino's work, head over to his exchange art profile below

Wolf Artist

@badluckzulp - As an experienced and skilled pixel artist, Zulp has been honing his craft since 2012. He has a deep understanding of the medium and a unique style that sets him apart.

In January 2022, Zulp was approached to contribute to the creation of @TheChimpions and successfully created around half of the collection. Zulp has been known to push the boundaries of pixel art.

Currently Zulp has been working on projects for @EnigmaVentures and other clients. Through this, he has solidified his reputation as a true OG and leader in the field of pixel art.

While Zulp does not have a 1/1 collection, he is in the process of creating his own project. If you have interest in what he is working on, follow @zulpverse on twitter, Link below

WOLF Artist
Chris Saturn

@0xChrisSaturnChris Saturn is a Multi-disciplinary artist from Venezuela who has brought a unique style recently to our ecosystem.

Chris has been submerged in the art world for over 4 years now. With a natural talent for art, he began taking on free lance work in 2020 for small businesses which allowed him to express his artistic abilities while simultaneously creating branding and social media content for these companies.

Chris's exposure to web 3 began on the ethereum side of things where he was able to free lance his work. Initially he was creating 2D illustrations. Through these illustrations he was able to get tons of new clients by recommendations.

In 2022 Chris realized the opportunity within the solana ecosystem and brought his freelance skills to our chain. Chris decided to create his socials after the success of @immortalsSOL where he has been praised for creating a very appealing collection.

While Chris does not have a 1 of 1 collection yet, be sure to follow such a talented artist in this ecosystem. You never know what may come in the future

Wolf Artist

@DuckzzyOG- Duckzzy is a full time artist who has been creating pixels for a living for quite some time. At first he was doing it as a way to survive.

His passion for pixel art on solana developed after jumping from different chains to find new opportunity where he realized Solana was his home. Duckzzy is arguably one of the most underrated artist in our ecosystem today.

He has contributed to the 1:1 ecosystem in a unique way and many admire Duckzzys passion and artistic abilities as an artist. If you have interest in Duckzzy's work, head over to his profile below

Wolf Artist

@WackoSenshi AKA Wacko is a full-time pixel pusher and 2D animator. Wacko began learning how to create pixel art for music videos and mini-games over the past three years of his freelance art career.

Wacko has been solely working on the @_MagnumAI NFT collection since it's inception in March of last year. He single handedly created Magnum's pixel art collection, that has many different animated 1/1's and animated trailers that have been popular on Solana.

There are three things that Wacko truly loves - pixel art, animations, and his metal band - @SenshiTheBand that will be touring in Japan later this year in April. If you have any interest in learning more about the legend Wacko, make sure to visit his Twitter profile below

Wolf Artist

Jazz is one of the youngest pixel artists within our ecosystem. His journey began when he came across a project called lil boogles that caught his attention. Intrigued by this collection he began taking pixel art serious which led him to being commissioned by a DAO to make them banners.

After honing is craft for months he took the leap into the 1/1 scene creating his own collection called Hoodles. Because of his decision to begin creating, he now can say that he has a community who loves his work and supports him to become better day by day.

His favorite thing about getting involved in this ecosystem and taking the risk has been the ability to network and connect other art enthusiasts, creators and collectors alike.